针对本拿比BCA党派学务委员候选人Katrina Chen 最近利用本拿比教师协会(BTA)发布信息,继续对 BC Parents’ Voice (BC省父母心声BCPV) 进行抹黑一事,声明如下:
1. BCPV一直提倡家长在教育上的主导权,向家长提供学校的一切动态,力求所有孩子在学校受到尊重,关注学术教育品质,为孩子将来融入社会和为社会做出贡献打下结实基础。BCPV没有任何政治利益,我们支持所有跟我们的理念相近的政党。因此BTA信息中说“BCPV为了政治利益使用这样的谎言”完全是不实之词。
2. BTA的中文信息并没有英文版,且该信息只引用了Katrina Chen的声明,我们需要弄清楚BTA与Katrina Chen的关系,以及BTA是否完全明白BCPV的立场和全部事实真相?在该信息中的那个“夸张的谎言”究竟是指什么?如果是指“如果BCA上台,会给学生打同性恋血清,让他们变同性恋”这个谎言,BCPV已做了声明。散布这种三岁孩子都不会相信的苦肉计式的的谎言,才是为了达到政治目的,不惜丑化华人社区的形象,对华人家长的抹黑造谣。我们将BCPV的声明原文附在此声明之后。我们完全同意“教师们不支持对任何社区成员传播谣言的候选人”。
BC父母心声 (BC Parents’ Voice)
Authorized by BC Parents’ Voice, registered sponsor under LECFA, bcparentsvoice@gmail.com
Statement from B.C. Parents Voice on “Campaign trail tarred with ‘gay serum’ rumour”
1. BCPV has never advised any parent that “if BCA school trustees are re-elected, they will change the kids’ sex by giving the kids something like a drug injection, so called “gay serum”… and the school won’t tell parents.” BCPV is not involved in this rumour. Any indication that this rumour originated from BCPV will be vigorously pursued. According to the Burnaby Newsleader, the “gay serum” rumour came from Katrina Chen, Burnaby Citizens’ Association (BCA) school trustee candidate in the City election. We urge Katrina Chen to make a formal apology to the public immediately for her irresponsible comments. However, should she still believes she had not discredited the BFC and its supporters, the onus is on her to immediately provide legally recognized proofs to substantiate whatever she had claimed.
2. That BCA having discredited BFC with groundless rumour not only offended Burnaby Chinese community, but also significantly damaged this minority’s overall image in the mainstream culture. BCPV urges Katrina Chen to offer an apology to the Chinese community and all Burnaby citizens immediately.
3. The Vancouver School Board (VSB) passed the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities Policy (ACB and ACB R-1) on June 16, 2014. (http://pacis.ca/wp- content/uploads/2014/06/Draft-Policy-Revised-June-10-2014.pdf) During the presentation of the Policy on April 16, 2014, reference was made to the guide, “The Gender Spectrum: What Educators Need to Know” (http://pridenet.ca/wp- content/uploads/the-gender-spectrum.pdf) as a basis for some of the Policy content. On page ten of this Guide, produced by the Pride Education Network and endorsed by BC Teachers’ Federation, it says “FACT: Hormone blockers are a safe way to “buy time” as the transgender teen decides whether to go on cross-hormones. This treatment prevents the (often traumatic) development of secondary sex characteristics that do not match the person’s gender identity. It also prevents the need for painful and expensive surgeries to undo these changes later in life.”
4. According to the media coverage dated 18 June 2014 on Burnaby NewsLeader, Burnaby school district plans to take a closer look at the policy just adopted by Vancouver School Board. The incumbent BCA School Trustee Gary Wong said: “I would think that we would possibly want to have a look at that. There are a number of initiatives we are working on right now. The current labour dispute puts us in a holding pattern somewhat.” “We deal with every individual on a case by case basis as it comes up” “Where a student would want to have a private, separate washroom, or whether they use a gender-neutral or whether they use the one that they identify with (their gender identity)
BCPV strives to provide accurate, fact-based information to Burnaby parents on VSB’s transgender policy, “Gender Spectrum” Handbook, and the likelihood that Burnaby School District might follow VSB to introduce this policy. BCPV is not involved in any groundless rumour spread. For further information, please contact bcparentsvoice@gmail.com
BC Parents’ Voice
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