Business Internet 25 计划,以最先进的技术、最快速度的网络,为中小企业提供最实惠的价格,令企业主享受快速稳定的网速,加速企业发展。
现在赶快随我们了解Shaw Business 4月的限时优惠活动!
商业互联网25计划 (Business Internet 25)
签订2年合约,仅需 $55/月,计划包含:
高达25 Mbps 的下载速度†
高达5 Mbps 的上传速度†
可以在6台设备上登录Shaw Go WiFi
Shaw Business的商业互联网计划提供无限流量,确保企业能够安心完成线上业务,无需担心超额费用。
Fibre+是Shaw Business在全国范围内的混合光纤同轴网络,它令速度最快、最可靠的网络遍布加拿大西部更多的地方。
Offer expires April 30, 2021 and is subject to change without notice. Offers are available to new customers only on a two-year commitment. New customers must not have subscribed to the applicable Shaw Business product(s) within the last 60 days. Prices shown do not include tax or installation fees. Regular rates apply after promotional period and are subject to change. Not all Shaw services are available in all regions. The equipment you rent or purchase may be new or refurbished. Rental equipment must be returned to Shaw if any of your services are cancelled. You may not resell any Shaw services. All Shaw services are subject to our Joint Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use policies.
*Additional static IPs available for an additional cost. †Connection speeds may vary based on modem equipment, client device capability, building wiring, internet traffic and environmental conditions. “Maximum” speeds are based on optimal conditions. Maximum download speed for a single hardwired device connection is 940 Mbps. Additional wired or wireless device connections are required to reach maximum download speeds of up to 1 Gbps or 1.5 Gbps (i.e. 2 or 3 x devices concurrently running at 500 Mbps each). Business Internet 300, 750, Gig and Gig 1.5 upload speeds vary by region and will be either up to 125 Mbps or up to 150 Mbps, depending on network infrastructure in your area.
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24小时新闻排行榜 | 更多>> |
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4 | 历史重演“龙吞蛇”?网传他可能取代习近平 |
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