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温哥华巴赫音乐节开始售票 early bird获益多

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2022年温哥华巴赫音乐节—— 苏格兰巴洛克及其他传统音乐



早鸟票将于太平洋时间6月1日11点网络发售 www.earlymusic.bc.ca

温哥华早期音乐非常高兴将于7月26日(周二)到8月6日(周六)期间为您献上2022年温哥华巴赫音乐节——苏格兰巴洛克及其他传统音乐。此音乐节场地将包括陈氏中心(Chan Centre), 基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral), 皮耶特厅(Pyatt Hall), 梵杜森植物园(VanDusen Botanical Garden), 狼与犬爱尔兰吧(The Wolf & Hound), 以及卑诗大学的智者酒馆(UBC’s Sage Bistro)。 





怀着激动的心情,温哥华早期音乐欢迎苏格兰巴洛克音乐大师 David McGuinness 和 David Greenberg, 来成为本场音乐节的驻场音乐家。这两位音乐家都将生涯致力于研究17和18世纪的意大利和苏格兰作曲家——这也是苏格兰音乐史上极为生动和活跃的时期。作为著名的巴洛克小提琴手(Baroque violinist)和布雷顿角提琴手(Cape Breton fiddler),David Greenberg 拥有辉煌的演出记录。他也是一位作曲家和编曲,很多作品都曾经由著名的布雷顿角音乐家演奏并录制。除了常常在各种音乐会和工作坊分享他的热情和知识外,David 还是The DunGreen Collection (1996)的共同作者,这是一本关于布雷顿角提琴音乐的专著,相当有影响力。David 的在这两个领域内的影响力和广博的经历使得他成为将18世纪苏格兰音乐和巴洛克时期经典音乐进行混合的最佳人选。而David McGuinness 则将他的时间花在传统苏格兰音乐和现代作品上。他是电视和BBC广播的音乐制作人和作曲家,格拉斯哥大学的音乐高级讲师,以及格拉斯哥的克莱多尼亚协奏曲乐团(Concerto Caledonia)的指挥。克莱多尼亚协奏曲乐团将自己称为苏格兰早期音乐团体,致力于“将历史上重要的早期音乐带回流行,并带着风格感和危机感来做这件事”。

“当驻场音乐家David McGuinness (苏格兰) 和 David Greenberg (美国/加拿大)将传统曲调和巴洛克奏鸣曲交织演奏时,你会忍不住想站起来随之舞蹈!”温哥华早期音乐的艺术和执行总监, Suzie LeBlanc说。“他们将会把我们带如一场传统苏格兰和布雷顿角民乐之旅,而音乐节的其他演奏会又将会把我们带到阿卡迪亚,瑞典,以及梅蒂的音乐传统。请加入我们一起,来发现这些不同的文化传统之间暗藏的联系,以及欣赏出自巴赫,维瓦尔第,柯赖里,穆法特,和库普兰之手的巴洛克名曲。”

2022温哥华巴赫音乐节——苏格兰巴洛克及其他传统音乐 包括13场音乐会和2场特别活动:

Special Event:  Rondeau | July 26 at 6:00 p.m. at Sage Bistro, UBC

特别活动: 回旋曲 Rondeau |7月26日晚上6点 在卑诗大学Sage Bistro

Hosted by Canadian radio broadcaster and author Bill Richardson, this special event features Vancouver’s Poet Laureate Fiona Tinwei Lam, Lucas Harris (theorbo), and EMV Artists-in-Residence David Greenberg and David McGuiness. Rondeau will be an evening in support of EMV’s numerous initiatives such as the commissioning of new works, the acquisition of historical instruments, and the presentation of renowned early music artists from around the world. 

由加拿大电台主持人和作家Bill Richardson主持,邀请温哥华桂冠诗人Fiona Tinwei Lam,西奥伯琴手Lucas Harris(theorbo) , 以及温哥华早期音乐的驻场音乐家 David Greenberg 和 David McGuiness共同参与。回旋曲之夜支持温哥华早期音乐的各种新项目,比如新作品的创作委托,购得历史乐器,或介绍来自世界各地的著名音乐家等。

Special Event: Tea-Table Miscellany | August 6 at 12:00 p.m. at VanDusen Botanical Garden (Heron Lake)

特别活动: 《茶桌杂录》Tea-Table Miscellany | 8月6日12点在梵杜森植物园(苍鹭湖)VanDusen Botanical Garden (Heron Lake)

The Tea-Table Miscellany is the first printed collection of Scottish songs and verse in the Scots dialectic, collected by 18th century poet Allan Ramsay. This special event opens features performances by soprano Ellen Torrie and tenor Isaiah Bell with Festival musicians directed by David McGuinness.

《茶桌杂录》是第一本收录了苏格兰歌曲和用苏格兰方言写成的诗歌的印刷品,由18世纪的诗人Allan Ramsay所收集。这次特别活动将由女高音Ellen Torrie和男高音Isaiah Bell,以及由David McGuinness所指挥的音乐家们来展现。

Opening Concert – Ebb and Flow | July 27 at 7:30 p.m. at The Chan Centre

开幕音乐会——潮起潮落 Ebb and Flow | 7月27日晚7点30在陈氏中心 (The Chan Centre)

Join Vancouver’s Poet Laureate Fiona Tinwei Lam, EMV Artists-in-Residence, and the Pacific Baroque Orchestra in a musical celebration of water, featuring Handel’s Water Music, Telemann’s Hamburger Ebb’ und Fluth, and The Silken Water is Weaving and Weaving by Alasdair MacLean.

加入这场由温哥华桂冠诗人 Fiona Tinwei Lam,温哥华早期音乐的驻场音乐家,以及太平洋巴洛克交响乐团(Pacific Baroque Orchestra)组成的水之音乐庆典,聆听韩德尔的《水上音乐》(Water Music),泰勒曼《汉堡的潮起潮落》(Hamburger Ebb’ und Fluth),以及阿拉斯代尔·麦克林的《水织如丝》(The Silken Water is Weaving and Weaving)。

A Curious Collection of Tunes | July 28 at 1:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral

乐调探趣 A Curious Collection of Tunes | 7月28日下午1点在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral)

This concert explores the repertoire of Scottish tunes and their relationship with other traditions – the European art music of the time, the fiddle music of Scandinavia, and folk composition of our present-day. With David Greenberg (violin), David McGuiness (keyboard), and Kirsty Money (nyckelharpa). 

本场音乐会将探索苏格兰名曲以及它们与其他传统音乐的关系 - 如当时的欧洲艺术音乐,斯堪迪纳维亚的提琴曲,以及我们现代的民间音乐等。由David Greenberg 担任小提琴,David McGuiness演奏键盘,以及Kirsty Money演奏摇弦琴 (nyckelharpa)。

Resounding Hildegard: Echoes of the Abbess in the Present Day | July 28 at 7:30 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral

高亢的希尔德加德: 女隐修院院长的今日回响 Resounding Hildegard: Echoes of the Abbess in the Present Day | 7月28日晚7点30分 在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral)

Ensemble Arkora explores the connections between past and present with a concert presenting new works by Canadian composers and ancient masterworks, highlighting the oeuvre of Hildegard von Bingen. For this concert, Arkora is joined by special guest and erhu master, Lan Tung. 

Arkora合唱团用一场音乐会来展现加拿大作曲家新作和以希尔德加德作品为特色的古代经典, 并探索过去与现在的联系。这场演出还特邀二胡演奏家董篮(Lan Tung)特别演出。

The Last Rose of Summer | July 29 at 1:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral 

夏日最后一朵玫瑰 The Last Rose of Summer | 7月29日下午1点在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral) 

In 1805, the Irish poet Thomas Moore wrote a short poem entitled The Last Rose of Summer, which was set to a traditional tune called Aisling an óigfhear. This beautiful melody inspired dozens of classical composers, including Beethoven, to create their own arrangements and fantasies based on this music. Pierre-Antoine Tremblay (horn) and Alexander Weimann (fortepiano) perform works by Beethoven, Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn.

1805年,爱尔兰诗人Thomas Moore写下了一首小诗《夏日最后一朵玫瑰》(The Last Rose of Summer),可以配上传统曲调《年轻人的梦》(Aisling an óigfhear)来歌唱。包括贝多芬在内的多位古典作曲家,被这段优美的曲调所感染,基于它创造出了自己的编曲和想像。我们将会听到由Pierre-Antoine Tremblay (圆号) and Alexander Weimann (古钢琴)所演奏的贝多芬和孟德尔颂姐弟的作品。 

Les Nations | July 29 at 7:30 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral 

万国 Les Nations | 7月29日7点30分在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral)

Published in 1726, Les Nations, by François Couperin, is an example of les goûts reunis: the joining of French and Italian musical styles. Les Nations is made up of four instrumental works, each named after a different nation of the time. Contrasto Armonico, directed by Marco Vitale, will perform L’Impériale and L’Espagnole.

由弗朗索瓦·库普兰(François Couperin)于1726年发表的《万国》( Les Nations)是所谓风尚汇聚(les goûts reunis)的典范:带有各种法国和意大利的音乐风格。《万国》由四段器乐演奏组成,每一段都以一个当时的国家命名。Contrasto Armonico乐团将由Marco Vitale指挥,表演《帝国》(L’Impériale )和《西班牙》(L’Espagnole)。

From The Court of Louis XIV to Shippagan | August 2 at 1:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral 

从路易十四到希帕甘 From The Court of Louis XIV to Shippagan |8月2日下午1点在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral)

The majority of traditional Acadian songs come from France – their origins can be traced back to certain regions. Songs, just like people, are nomadic, with the lyrics, like the melodies, often changing as they travel. Here, we contrast Acadian folk songs from Shippagan in Acadie, with 17th Century ‘airs de cour’ from the French court of Louis the XIV. Performed by Suzie LeBlanc, Vincent Lauzer, Marie Nadeau-Tremblay, and Sylvain Bergeron.

大部分传统阿卡迪亚歌曲都来源于法国 – 可以溯源到特定地区。 歌曲,跟人一样,是游牧的,无论是歌词,还是曲调,都随着旅程渐行渐变。这次,我们将把阿卡迪亚希帕甘地区的阿卡迪亚民歌,和17世纪路易十四的法国宫廷歌曲进行比较。由Suzie LeBlanc, Vincent Lauzer, Marie Nadeau-Tremblay, 和Sylvain Bergeron演出。

Armonico Tributo | August 2 at 7:30 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral 

和谐的敬意 Armonico Tributo | 8月2日晚7点30分在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral)

Georg Muffat was born in France in 1653 of a Scottish father and French mother. His music, especially the Armonico Tributo sonatas, combine aspects of French and Italian music with the Scottish inflections of his father! This programme shows how Scottish music found its way into the European consciousness in the 17th and 18th centuries. Performed by the Baroque Orchestra Mentorship Progamme (BOMP).

乔治·穆法特(Georg Muffat)与1653年出生于法国,父亲是苏格兰人,母亲是法国人。他的音乐,尤其是《和谐的敬意》奏鸣曲(Armonico Tributo),将法国和意大利音乐的风格和受他父亲影响的苏格兰元素相结合。本场音乐会展示来苏格兰音乐如何在17和18世纪时进入欧洲的意识。由巴洛克交响乐团师友计划(Baroque Orchestra Mentorship Progamme)演出。

The Next Generation: Baroque Innovations | August 3 at 1:00 p.m. at Pyatt Hall

下一代:巴洛克之演变 The Next Generation: Baroque Innovations | 8月3日下午1点在皮耶特厅(Pyatt Hall)

EMV’s Emerging Artists’ Concert features the next generation of musicians – Ellen Torrie (soprano); Marie Nadeau-Tremblay (violin); Sylvain Bergeron (lute) – performing works by Francesca Caccini and Barbara Strozzi, Henry Purcell, and J.H. Schmelzer. The 17th century was a time of great innovation in music thanks to the rise of composers who happily defied the rules of composition and our 2022 Emerging Artists are part of the next generation of musicians who are also defying established practices and bringing a fresh look at early music.

温哥华早期音乐的新兴艺术家音乐会向您展示新一代的音乐家——Ellen Torrie (女高音); Marie Nadeau-Tremblay (小提琴); Sylvain Bergeron (鲁特琴) ——表演Francesca Caccini和Barbara Strozzi, Henry Purcell,和 J.H. Schmelzer的作品。因为涌现出一大批用于打破规则的作曲家,17世纪是音乐史上一个创新的时代。而我们2022年的新兴艺术家们,作为下一代音乐家的一分子,也正在挑战既定的规范,并将为早期音乐带来新的面貌。

Fiddle & Figs Pub Night | August 3 at 7:00 p.m. at The Wolf & Hound

提琴和无花果之夜 Fiddle & Figs Pub Night | 8月3日晚7点在狼与犬(The Wolf & Hound)

Food, drink, and music are great mates. Join JJ Lavallee (Métis fiddle), David Greenberg (violin) and David McGuinness (keyboard), along with some of the musicians of the Vancouver Bach Festival, for pub food and tunes from Scotland, Sweden, Quebec, and the Métis fiddle traditions.

美食,美酒,美妙的音乐,绝配。来加入 JJ Lavallee (梅蒂提琴), David Greenberg (小提琴) 和David McGuinness (键盘), 以及温哥华巴赫音乐节的其他音乐家们,一起享用酒吧小食和来自苏格兰,瑞典,魁北克,以及梅蒂提琴传统的曲调。

Bach & Tunes - Multiple Voices for One | August 4 at 1:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral

巴哈和曲调-声声归一 Bach & Tunes - Multiple Voices for One | 8月4日下午1点在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral)

2022 EMV Artist-in-Residence David Greenberg takes us on a musical journey, weaving between the Baroque solo violin repertoire and traditional folk tunes. Greenberg approaches each moment of music, regardless of style, in a deeply personal and richly imaginative way.

2022温哥华早期音乐的驻场艺术家David Greenberg将带领我们踏上一场音乐之旅,既有巴洛克小提琴独奏曲,也有传统民间音乐。无论何种风格的音乐,Greenberg都能用一种深度个人,而又充满想像的方式触及每一瞬间。

Out of the Deep | August 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral

探出深处 Out of the Deep | 8月4日7点30分在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral)

The stylus phantasticus or 'fantastical style' of music was born in Italy, but the free and unrestrained style of composition travelled and was shared all over Europe of the baroque period. This music grew from a dark time, but still speaks of hope today. This programme is co-directed by Jonathan Adams (baritone) and Chloe Kim (violin).

“自由幻想”风格的音乐诞生于意大利,但是这种自由不受拘束的作曲方式流传甚广,在巴洛克时期传到了欧洲各地。这种音乐形式在一个黑暗的时期成长,却到今天仍然代表着希望。本场演出由Jonathan Adams (上低音号) and Chloe Kim (小提琴)联合演出.

Bach: Four Sonatas and a Concerto | August 5 at 1:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral

巴赫:4支奏鸣曲和1支协奏曲 Bach: Four Sonatas and a Concerto | 8月5日下午1点在基督教会座堂(Christ Church Cathedral)

J.S. Bach was the greatest musical innovator of his time. He ignored the compositional conventions of sonatas that featured a prominent solo instrument accompanied by supporting continuo players and made the keyboard and violin equal partners, offering new possibilities to future composers and creating music that is still relished today. This programme showcases the virtuosic brilliance of violinist Chloe Kim, cellist Christina Mahler and keyboardist Avi Stein.

巴赫是他那个时代最伟大的音乐创作者。他打破了奏鸣曲由一种主奏乐器和其他协奏乐器的作曲程式,而是让键盘和小提琴担纲同样分量,为后来的作曲家们提供了新的可能性,也创造出了在今天还为人称道的音乐。本场音乐会将让您领略到小提琴手Chloe Kim,大提琴手Christina Mahler和键盘手Avi Stein的风采。

Bach Kaleidoscope/Reimaginations | August 5 at 7:30 p.m. at The Chan Centre

巴赫万花筒/再次出发 Bach Kaleidoscope/Reimaginations | 8月5日晚7点30分在陈氏中心(The Chan Centre)

This concert highlights Bach’s love of adapting works by other composers, such as Vivaldi’s Concerto for Four Violins and Strings, which he reworked for four harpischords. The evening showcases four outstanding keyboard players while celebrating Bach’s magnificent polyphony and counterpoint.

本场音乐会的亮点是巴赫对其他作曲家的作品改编,如维瓦尔第的B小调小提琴四重奏(Concerto for Four Violins and Strings),被巴赫改成了大键琴四重奏。当晚将由四位出类拔萃的键盘手联手展现巴赫华丽的复调和对位旋律。

For more information on the 2022 Vancouver Bach Festival – Scottish Baroque and Other Traditions and further detail on each performance, including ticket prices, please visit Early Music Vancouver on the following platforms: 

如需更多2022温哥华巴赫音乐节——苏格兰巴洛克及其他传统音乐 的信息,以及更多每场演出的细节,包括票价等,请在以下各平台访问温哥华早期音乐:

网站: www.earlymusic.bc.ca

脸书: www.facebook.com/earlymusicvancouver 

推特: www.twitter.com/earlymusicvan

IG: www.instagram.com/earlymusicvancouver


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